Upcoming Events

OSWA Office Hours
Join the Zoom conversation here —> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7408561408?pwd=Nk5JWFhsSTZCYnpoL2JFV2ZHcnVNQT09&omn=86515302547

Spring! Outdoor School Training
Please join us at Camp Gifford for a practical and very enjoyable training about overnight outdoor school experiences!
Register now closed, please contact adrian@outdoorschoolswa.org
Training Materials and Resources

OSWA Office Hours
We can’t wait to hear from you during our February office hour. Even if you don’t have a specific question we hope you’ll attend and listen in to the conversation.
Join the Zoom conversation here —> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7408561408?pwd=Nk5JWFhsSTZCYnpoL2JFV2ZHcnVNQT09&omn=86515302547

OSWA Office Hours
Office Hours will be OPEN!
Join the conversation by clicking this ZOOM link —> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3609990322?

OSWA Office Hours
Have questions or need help with anything outdoor school related? Join our staff for one of the next Office Hours!
Join the conversation here —> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3609990322?

Washington's Outdoor, Environmental, and Sustainability Educators' 2024 Conference
E3 WA and Outdoor Schools WA are co-hosting a gathering for all outdoor, environmental, and sustainability educators this fall. This will be an in-person event, with lots of space for people to stay in cabins, camp, or attend for a day.
Join us! Share your stories, experiences, and expertise at the upcoming collaborative on-site conference at the inspiring Cispus Outdoor Learning Center with E3 Washington and Outdoor Schools Washington!
Award Nominations – due September 15
Call for award nominations! Please nominate yourself or someone who inspires you for the returning Environmental and Sustainability Education Awards from E3 Washington. There are multiple categories for individuals and organizations. Please help us share this nomination form with networks across Washington.
Learn more about Cispus Learning Center

2024 Outdoor School Fall Training
Online registration is now closed. However, if you would still like to register, please email: cortney@outdoorschoolswa.org
Summary of Training
An opportunity for teachers to experience Outdoor School & prep to bring their students!
Join us for our Fall training in all things outdoor school! Designed for:
Public school teachers/staff interested in taking students to an outdoor education program
Staff from outdoor sites that do not yet currently offer outdoor education
Staff from outdoor school sites that already provide education
Training Resources and Reference Materials
Photo Gallery from previous training

Spring Office Hours
Have questions or need help with anything outdoor school related? Join our staff for our Spring office hours: April 11th & 18th, May 2nd & 9th.

Outdoor School Spring Training
Registration is now closed
Join us for our Spring training in all things outdoor school! This training is designed for:
Public school teachers/staff who are interested in starting outdoor education designed for their school/district focusing on 5th and 6th grade
Staff from outdoor school sites that do not currently offer outdoor education programs
Staff from outdoor school sites that do offer outdoor education experiences but would like to enhance their program and/or learn more about state learning standards and resources available
Training Resources

Spring Office Hours
Have questions or need help with anything outdoor school related? Join our staff for our Spring office hours: April 11th & 18th, May 2nd & 9th.

Characteristics of High-Quality Outdoor Schools Training
Registration is now closed
This Inservice is for outdoor educators and program/curriculum managers from outdoor schools to introduce, train, and align on the Characteristics of High-Quality Outdoor Schools (CHQOS). This training is sponsored by Outdoor Schools Washington and is free to attend. You only need to take care of your transportation.

Outdoor School Fall Training
Registration for this event is now closed. Please reach out to Support@outdoorschoolswa.org with questions.
Participants should use the button below to view and download training and reference materials.

Outdoor Learning Grants Webinar
Join us for a joint virtual presentation from OSPI and Outdoor Schools Washington on the different types of grants available for outdoor education in 2023 -2024. Can’t join at this time? Not to worry! We will record the webinar and have a link available here the next day.

Outdoor Schools WA - Spring Training
Join us for our Spring training in all things outdoor school! This training is designed for:
Public school teachers/staff who are interested in starting outdoor education designed for their school/district focusing on 5th and 6th grade
Staff from sites that do not currently offer outdoor education programs, but would like to
Staff from sites that do offer outdoor education experiences but would like to enhance their program and/or learn more about state learning standards and resources available
Sessions will be taught by experts in the areas of Environment and Sustainability Literacy, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Risk Management, Aligning with State Standards (Next Generation Science Standards, Social/Emotional Standards, Environmental and Sustainability Standards, Washington State Learning Standards), Since Time Immemorial Curriculum, FieldSTEM, Climetime, Establishing Structures for Outdoor School Operation, High School Student Leaders at Outdoor School, and Outdoor Schools in WA: The Big Picture.
We encourage teams to attend this training together, as there will be designated time for planning.

Outdoor Schools WA Fall Training
Join us for our Fall training in all things outdoor school! This training is designed for public school teachers/staff interested in starting an outdoor education program, staff from outdoor school sites that do not currently offer outdoor education, and staff from outdoor school sites that do offer education but would like to enhance their programming.