Training Materials
Agenda at a Glance
Use this agenda for times and locations for the daily activities. We will continue to fill in this agenda up until the day before the event with locations for breakout sessions.
Packing List
Don’t forget it! Check the list for any items you need to participate in all conditions.
Camp Gifford Map
Need to know where a building or meeting place is? Check the map!
Office of Native Education Materials
Characteristics of High-Quality Outdoor Schools
The Characteristics of High-Quality Outdoor Schools contains a rubric that identifies key components of outdoor school with descriptive indicators and resources to help your team learn about and implement positive change.
High School Leaders Curriculum
The education team at OSWA created a curriculum that focuses on preparing high school students to become leaders in support of Outdoor School for 5th/6th grade students.
Campfire Program
10 Activities to Connect Outdoor School to Classroom Learning
Nature Journaling as an All-Season Activity
Nature Journal Phenomenon Modeling
Reference Materials
The following online resources are not pre-learning materials for the training, but great additional resources for Nature Journaling compiled by Lara Tukarski, South Sound PEI coordinator:
John Muir Laws: Nature Stewardship Through Science, Education, and Art
How to Teach Nature Journaling (Print + free PDF download)
Career Connections:
Climate Science Storylines: