IMPORTANT - If you still need to get reimbursed for 2023-24 email

Start the 2024-25 Reimbursement Process

We are ready to accept your information for reimbursement processing.

Your schools’ data is needed! It will inform the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and the WA State legislature about the impactful experiences taking place at overnight outdoor educational sites across the state.

The reimbursement process has three steps. All three are required before reimbursement can occur:

STEP 1 - The school lead/principal will complete the education standards data collection section.

STEP 2 - After Step 1 is complete, you will receive a link to share with all staff involved on the educational benefits study that is being conducted by WWU’s Center for Business and Economic Research. They are creating a legislative report to show the benefits of outdoor school.

STEP 3 - Lastly, you will complete and submit a financial reimbursement form. The school will pay all invoices and submit the total costs related to the outdoor school experience. Once those are all completed, we will issue a check to your district, naming the school as the recipient.

NOTE - You keep all the receipts and just compile the amounts into categories on our form. If we get audited, we will contact you for the receipts.