
Outdoor Schools Washington understands that the trail to success - that ALL Washington students attend outdoor school - will require collaborative partnerships with organizations of all types. From federal agencies and national nonprofits to PTAs and each WA school district, OSWA welcomes the opportunity to work toward a shared vision.

Nonprofit organizations

Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP)

Association of Washington Student Leaders (AWSL)

Pacific Education Institute (PEI)

Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA)

E3 Washington

Washington Outdoor School Coalition (WOSC)

Beyond Washington:

Association of Nature Centers Administrators (ANCA)

Residential Outdoor Environmental Education (ROEE)

Children and Nature Network

Friends of Outdoor School (Oregon)

Government Agencies

Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)

Washington Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO)

Washington State Parks

Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

Academic Institutions

Western Washington University

Eastern Washington University

University of Washington (Bothell)